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⚠︎ WARNING: You're speaking the wrong language⚠︎

Discover the language of the wealthy to shift your money mindset

Do you often find yourself thinking, “I don’t want to be broke anymore” or “I don’t want to struggle paying my bills this week” ?

It’s normal. For whatever reason, we’re programed to think of the things we don’t want, but our brains seem to ignore the don’t part… All it hears is “I want to be broke” or “I want to struggle paying my bills this week”.

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Doesn’t really matter why. What matters is how we change our language to focus on what we DO want, thus, changing our psychology around money.

Aside from just changing our thoughts, we need to update our vocabulary.

Vocabulary of the rich

  1. Asset - something that puts money IN your pocket

  2. Liability - something that takes money OUT OF your pocket

  3. Invest - putting money in a vehicle to work FOR you with the intent of increasing initial amount added

  4. Passive income - money earned with minimal to no effort (the IRS calls this unearned income)

  5. Residual income - money that continues to flow after an initial investment of time and resources has been completed 1

Honestly, this list can go on for quite a while. But these are the 5 words that are attainable and understandable to just about everyone. Now with these words in mind, think of most of your purchases. Are you often paying for assets or liabilities? In other words, are you spending on things that take money OUT of your pocket? Or making you more money?

The Mindset shift

Now that we have some vocabulary out of the way, let’s do a little mindset training 😉 Think of an issue you come across often and tend to go straight to the negative outcome every single time. For example, you’re behind on a few bills and your check isn’t going to cover your expenses. So, you immediately feel defeat… and think this will be your life cycle forever.

When you’re feeling this way, lets ask some questions.

  1. What am I most afraid of right now?

  2. What do I want instead?

  3. What do I need to do to get what I want?

So for the above scenario, my thought process would be as follows: I am most afraid of losing everything and not being able to give my children the things they need. I want to have the ability to pay my bills on time, in full, and still have left over for savings, investments, self-care and family fun. To get what I want, I need to increase my cashflow and take a look at my expenses to see where my money is actually going. Also consider areas I can lower expenses. What are some ways I can increase my cashflow today? Side hustle, new job, sales…

The above acknowledges the fear and concerns you may have - because they’re in your current reality. BUT, it then shifts your mindset to focus on a new reality and ways to create that reality. Obviously, you’ll need to act on this and that’s where an accountability partner or a coach/mentor can be super helpful.

Honestly, that isn’t a hypothetical scenario. I felt those concerns many times. And, many times, I would focus on all the bad, never coming up with a permanent solution - only a quick fix to make it to the next week. Once I finally killed the scarcity mindset, my entire reality began to shift even BEFORE the money began flowing. I entered rooms I never even imagined for myself, was given opportunities I thought only super successful could attain, and more.

And as my reality continues to expand, I know so much more is to come. And I’m so glad you’re on this trip with me, because I know your reality will begin shifting too!

Share 1 way you plan on shifting your mindset or your reality!

Ariana - The Wealthy Tea

1 - Investopedia

Disclaimer All articles are for informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial, tax, or legal advice. Please consult your financial or tax professional.


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