YOU Can Become Wealthy Too

Cash-flowing assets and the path to financial freedom

The average millionaire has 7 streams of income… To an AVERAGE person, that seems like a lot. Just keeping up with the one stream of income and the cost of gas and eggs feels like a struggle, how the heck are we supposed to have 7??

Black Friday Success GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

Gif by konczakowski on Giphy

What the TikTok experts don’t tell you, is that the wealthy perfect 1 stream of income. Then, use those profits to fund and perfect the next. Streamline.

I have spent countless dollars thinking I NEED to be able to do all of these things to become successful, without realizing I need to perfect one instead of spreading myself so thin.

Okay okay, I know what you’re thinking.

“Ariana, why are you making it seem like any of us can become wealthy?”

Because in all honesty, we CAN.

I am NOT saying its easy. Quite the contrary. It will take long hours and dedication. But, it will be so worth it.

Cash-flowing Assets

The key to building wealth is focusing on increasing cash-flow. This does not include a job. We’ve all heard it, a job keeps us “Just Over Broke”.

Cash flowing assets are things that can continue to make you money whether you are there or not. So this includes:

  1. Rental income

  2. Business ownership

  3. Dividend income

  4. Capital gains

  5. Royalties and licensing

Which option is the fastest?

(In my opinion…) Business ownership. WHY? Because you control it. How hard you work on your business determines its success. Also, you have unlimited options when it comes to building YOUR own business. The goal is to continue working on 1 income stream (your business in this example) to provide enough to cover your living expenses. Then move onto the next income stream!

Can you become wealthy with earned-income (your job)? Absolutely! But, thanks to taxes, it will take a lot longer. As your income increases, so does Uncle Sam’s cut.

Believe me, growing up, I did not envision myself becoming a business owner. Far from it. I thought I would finish school, get a high paying job, then figure out investments from there. But, life didn’t end up that way. And frankly, I’m glad it didn’t.

Although there are have been ups and plenty of downs, I have learned WAY more than ever imaginable. I’ve been in rooms I never dreamed, I’ve met people that have inspired me more than I could have believed possible, and have been given opportunities that I probably wouldn’t have considered.

As I continue working towards my wealthy life, I encourage you to allow yourself to dream. What would your perfect day look like? Regardless of finances. Imagine your income stream being able to provide this dream life. What income stream would that be?

You may be surprised that your own limiting beliefs are holding you back.

Want to share your dreams with me? I’d love to hear it! Don’t feel encouraged to pursue them? Send me a message, let’s create a plan to work towards these dreams!

Ariana - The Wealthy Tea

Disclaimer All articles are for informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial, tax, or legal advice. Please consult your financial or tax professional.


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