30 Day Money Challenge

30-Day Money Challenge!

Happy Monday! I can’t believe it’s the last day of July… Time is flying.

For the month of August, I’m starting a 30-Day money challenge and I hope you’ll join me. Invite your friends and family too. Sign up here!

My goal with this challenge is to spark baby steps towards our financial goals starting in the month of August. By doing this together, I hope we can encourage one another, share ideas, and hold each other accountable!

I am so excited to take on this challenge with you.

Throughout these 30 days, you will be working on your financial goals. This can range from saving each day, paying down some debt, or making extra money.

To hold me accountable, I'm sharing my goal…To make $5,000 more than I did the previous month. Scary to say aloud and share with you, but I'm praying I can do it! Especially with a team to hold me accountable!

I would love to hear your goals for the challenge and any suggestions you might have. I'll also be posting on TikTok (@mommayanaa) each day. If a Facebook group would be better, just let me know! Working through this with you all, so forgive me for any hiccups!

I'm also here to reach out to anyone feeling stuck lately. As a licensed financial professional, I aim to empower as many people as possible with financial education, allowing them to make smart money decisions, just like the affluent do.

If you have the desire to educate, are looking for a career change, a side income, or learning something new, or have an entrepreneurial spirit, I would love to connect with you!

Click here to join the 30-Day challenge!

Talk to you soon!

Ariana - The Wealthy Tea


or to participate.